Tuesday, May 12, 2020


At five feet even, I always seem to find myself reaching. Books on the shelf, frozen veggies in the grocery store, boxes in the closet. Always reaching up, often on tippy toes.
Metaphorically, I have found myself reaching often too. Another glass of wine,  social media scrolling, texts to friends. Anything to numb, distract and fill the canyon that is all too often echoing within my soul that yearns for a continual filling.
Now here we are weeks spent at home, time unfilled, demands waning, yet giving way to anxieties that scream and tug at the corners of my mind. What do I reach for? CNN, Facebook or more carbs?
The Lord met me in Ephesians 3:14-19 this morning with an answer.
Paul prays here for other believers, that we would be strengthened with His power through His Spirit to know the unknowable and immeasurable love of Christ and he says that will bring a filling with all the fullness of God. That word, strengthened, from the Greek word meaning to have the upper hand gave me such a visual of my own hand slipping into the hand of the One who is already holding me.
Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter in Matthew 14:31. This morning, He reached out His hand afresh and invited me to take hold of His. "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" He asks Peter. Oh you of little faith, what are you reaching for to fill you? Right here in the boredom and anxiety of this season. Right now in the pain and the trials. Are you reaching for His filling hand or for that which will leave you empty? Continue to reach afresh today, for the upper hand that really does strengthen and fill with all the fullness of God.

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